Everything Happens for a Reason! Part 1

Everything happens for a reason. Sometimes that means 12 months of long nights and no results! That’s how it’s meant to be! I discovered this tonight.

First discovery was, I wasted 12 months trying to get good with women and bettering myself as a person and didn’t use the time efficiently building a social circle. I’d stumbled upon the best thing in my life and didn’t use it appropriately. I discovered only after 12 months that cold approach wasn’t what I was looking for. Of course it had immense benefits but I wasn’t using it like others were using it. I didn’t want all the other benefits. Cold approach without social circle building was almost useless to me. So I’d wasted 12 months.

My second realisation was that, the last 12 months, I’ve been putting in a lot of long nights without many results. I mean when I say I wasn’t looking to reap the benefits of cold approach I meant it. But at the same time I felt that I wasn’t showing fruit for my efforts and therefore I wasn’t progressing. Well actually, now I believe I was barred from getting results! Forbidden by an outside force!! I wasn’t supposed to get results because I wasn’t supposed to go deeper into the cold approach world. If I had gotten results it would have only egged me on to do more and would have extended or maybe removed my revelation that I was in this for social circle, not cold approach. Instead of wasting 12 months I may have wasted 12 years. Wasted 12 years getting results that would only add more pain to my life and have me exert more energy to get results I didn’t want, in places I didn’t want to be.

So you bet I’m glad I didn’t get results! Let this be a lesson that sometimes, you may struggle through a journey of self discovery for a long time and be discouraged. Just know that whatever happens, happens for a reason.

The below is the original note I wrote to myself that night as I left the valley.

“Being in the valley tonight opened up my eyes and made me aware. Aware of just how much positive and incredible high energy I’ve been surrounding myself with and how much of a contrast it was to the energy in the valley. I think I’ve literally created a utopia in my life. I have no negativity in my life. I’m on the upward spiral. I guess by being around the valley once a week my awareness was fogged up. It’s a waste of focus and energy. My advice is stop focusing on getting better with women, if you have to bring yourself to a despicably low point every week. You can have the abundance in a positive way. Quit the night game. Destroyed the idea that the girls in the library are the same girls in the valley. No they are not! By majority that is false. Create a social circle. A circle of high energy positive people. People that will invite you to improve yourself. Not people that will invite you to nightclubs. Don’t waste time with the bouncer. Don’t wast time with the Coke promoter. High vibration only!”


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